Paramount Theatre | | |
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Friday, December 9, 2011 at 8:00 pm | |
Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 2:00 pm |
866.461.6556 |
Tchaikovsky’s classic score for this Christmas story opens with a “Miniature Overture.”
The music sets the fanciful holiday mood by using upper registers of the orchestra exclusively as the curtain opens to reveal the iconic Moscow Skyline and guests arriving for a Christmas Eve Party. Masha, her little brother Fritz, and mother and father Staulbaum are celebrating the holiday with friends and family from around the world, when the mysterious godfather, Uncle Drosselmeyer, enters with his magical gifts.
Drosselmeyer produces a large bag of Christmas gifts for all the children. He then presides over a puppet show which foreshadows the events of the Christtmas story ballet itself. All are very happy, except for Masha, who has yet to be presented a gift. Uncle Drosselmeyer then produces the life-size dolls, Kissy Doll, Harlequinn and the Moorish Dolls as presents for all to enjoy in wonderment. When the dances are finished, Masha approaches Uncle Drosselmeyer asking for her Christmas gift. He gives her a beautiful toy Nutcracker, in the traditional shape of a soldier. Masha is overjoyed, but her brother Fritz is jealous, and breaks the Nutcracker. The guests enjoy Christmas dancing until the party ends and Masha goes to bed.

While everyone is sleeping, Uncle Drosselmeyer repairs the Nutcracker. When the clock strikes midnight, Masha hears the sound of mice in her bedroom. She wakes up and tries to run away, but the mice stop her. Perhaps Masha is still in a dream? The Christmas tree suddenly begins to grow to enormous size, filling the room and the Nutcracker comes to life. He rises to defend Masha and the Mouse King leads his mice into battle. Here Tchaikovsky continues the miniature effect of the Overture, setting the battle music again predominantly in the orchestra’s upper registers.

A conflict ensues, and when Masha helps the Nutcracker by holding the Mouse King by the tail or throwing her shoe at him, the Nutcracker seizes his opportunity and defeats him. The mice retreat, taking their wounded leader with them. The Nutcracker is then transformed into a prince. Masha and her magic Nutcracker Prince travel to the Snow Forrest where traditional Russian figures, Ded Moroz, Father Christmas, and Snegurochka, the Snow Maiden, welcome Masha and her Nutcracker Prince into their world of peace and harmony. The score conveys the wondrous effect of the journey by introducing a wordless children’s chorus. (Read More)